Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My day yesterday

So, this weekend I got wonderful news. I got a new nanny job that starts in two weeks! So, I quit with the evil nanny job I have now. I told the parents on Saturday and they told me some stuff that I was really upset with. The started accusing me of theft and hitting their children and some other things. I was going to work for them for the next two weeks but I felt so uncomfertable that I just didn't go back. Which is fine, I am not going to use them as a reference anyways. I thought to myself well I have NBO to fall back on and i can just work a little bit more hours this week and next week before I start.

Well, Monday I was cleaning the house and playing with Noah and I was also talking to my mom on the phone when I get a phone call from my boss at NBO. I answer the phone and she gives me bad news: I was laid off. :( So, I kinda knew this was coming because the company is actually not doing well fiancially, but I was hoping I would be able to quit before getting laid off. I was soooooooo upset. This is part of my income and it's gone. I am not really sure what we are going to do now. I contemplating going back to Garts and working p/t at night but that would be my very very very last resort. I don't want to be working in retail again. Well, atleast that kind of retail. Where they stay until midnight or 1am because they weren't prepared for an audit or a visit, or I have to work every single holiday.
We want to move to Washington but our house is keeping us here. If things keep going like this we won't be able to afford a house payment anymore :(. I'm just really depressed and I feel like things keep going downhill for us. I thought it was going up because I got this new nanny job, but that's not how things are going.


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