Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yup that is how I feel right now. As some of you know (some might not) we are losing our house. Yes, I've been very depressed and sad about it but its the way life happened for us. I got laid off and then couldn't afford our payments. Chase wasn't willing to help us out with any programs and because the economy was so bad no one could help us out financially (programs, friends, family). So, we had to pack up our belongings and moved ourselves to Washington. We felt like it was kind've a blessing because we felt like we needed a change and Aaron needed to go to school and it wasn't possible in Utah. So, we sought assistance from a program called "Walkaway Plan" and they've been very helpful. We put our house on the market for 3 months (short sale) and then they sent out a died in lieu of forclousure (help us NOT to forclose). So, Chase has been very rude to me lately calling me and saying that I am being disrespectful to them and I am not coorporating. I understand they are trying to collect a debt (that's what I do for a living) but they are NOT listening to what I am saying. My account is in litigation which means the litigation department is handling it because of the forclosure thing. So, finally the person over my account calls the person helping me at Walkaway plan and tells her I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING over again because we have a different type of loan. So I have to fill out all the paper work and put it on short sale again for 3 months. I think they are just trying to set me up to fail. I really do, I hate Chase and this whole thing. I am so mad that it is giving me a headache.

so anways I just feel awful about myself and this whole thing. I thought it was getting somewhere and now we are back to square one again ... it makes me feel very worthless.



Ryan and Sariah said...

I'm so sorry. I think there are a ton of people going through the same thing. A look on the bright side is you didn't get scammed...right. I keep hearing all these horror stories on the news about different companies willing to help people in trouble and then they take their money and run and they loose their house. I love ya keep your chin up!

Carrie said...

I've been hearing the same stories...that is one good thing...that you didn't get scammed! I'm sorry you're back to square one, that is very frustrating! I love you, too and hope things start moving along for you.